Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Year, New Room!!

It's been almost 2 months since my last update on our crazy life split between NH and TN. The separation hasn't gotten any easier, that part is emotionally draining, but the house has continued to progress and become a less stressful place to live.

Since my last post the girls have had their winter choral concert and auditioned for the school play with the drama club. I am proud to report they both got cast. Rylie is actually a lead character and Caitie is playing multiple characters with many lines throughout the play. The play is 67 Cinderellas and Rylie is playing Prince Dalliance, he is the prince that dances with Cinderella at the ball and the play is him trying to figure out who the glass slipper fits, it's a comedy and I am really excited to see it performed. The performance is March 15th and 16th, if anyone his interested in going let me know and I can get tickets!

Steve is still doing very well in his position with Ingram Content Group. He really likes the job and the people that he works with. While he does spend quite a bit of time without us, he is not totally without companionship! He still has Inky and Ash, our two Guinea pigs, and has completely spoiled them but also helped mold them into more friendly and outgoing little piggies! He was here with us over Christmas break and left yesterday to go back. While he was here he and I worked hard on getting lots of things accomplished in the house. We were able to make 3 trips with the mini van for more things from storage. We also managed to have some family time in there as well. We took the girls to see Aquaman in the theater, visited with my family down in MA. and spent a lovely NYE at home with the girls watching movies and eating take out food and ice cream sundaes!

Our big family Christmas gifts this year were tickets to see Pink in concert in Nashville and a ski trip over February break to Montana that will also allow us to see Steve's dad. The girls were really excited about both. While I got some wonderful gifts this year, I think my favorite was my new bedroom!

Our contractor John finished up all the drywall, doors, windows, closet etc. so when Steve arrived all that was left was painting. we started with the trim, which is tedious work, and the doors. That took a few days and few coats. But once that was done we started on the walls and that went much faster. We got the room finished Sunday evening, just in time for our new bed to arrive! We put the room together with new blackout blinds on the windows, a new rug and a new dresser and were able to sleep in the new room that night! New Years Eve day was spent putting in the closet organizer and reorganizing the room I had been sleeping in to turn it into the living room finally. I opened and unpacked boxes for the kitchen and we put up pictures in most of the rooms too. It has really come together and I am excited to start the new year in less chaos. Caitie is still in what will be the craft/teen room as her room is next on the agenda for the contractor, but Rylie was able to move into her room finally and set it up as she wanted. It will still need to be demolished and re-done but that will happen sometime later this year, so for now she's in it as is. She chose the wall color...Slytherin of course!

I hope you enjoy the progress pictures. I wish you all a wonderful 2019, may it be for you everything 2018 was not.

Starting to paint the walls

First things hung up, this is our dining room.

New bed, New room!

Rylie's room

My hallway cleared out (it had been a staging ground for tools) and decorated!

I will never take silverware for granted again! I spent the last 6 months with 4 butter knives and 6 forks and spoons...that's a LOT of dish washing!

Our living room! We are still waiting to to get the couch but for now Steve's grandfathers chair will do! That black contraption on the doorway is a piece of exercise equipment, it can slide up and down to adjust the height of my exercise bands so I can do my shoulder (and other) exercises at home!

Happy New Year!!

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